Counselling for Anxiety

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Are you starting to feel restless and on edge despite previously maintaining control over your struggles? Do you have fatigue that is carrying over into other areas of your life? Do you have trouble concentrating? As the days go by, have you felt unable to manage? If so, you are likely experiencing anxiety, which can impede your ability to live a healthy lifestyle. One excellent way to reduce your anxiety and gradually regain control over your life is by receiving talk therapy. I can provide assistance and possibly help you resolve your problems. Additionally, I can help you set new goals for your future. As a result, you can gain a balanced lifestyle, where you can manage your stressors, have a daily routine, and rest better.

Anxiety is a long-lasting fear experienced even without direct threat, and it is a common psychological correlate of stress (Pinel & Barnes, 2018, pp. 489–490). Anxiety is adaptive if it motivates successful coping behaviors; on the other hand, when it is severe enough it interrupts functioning, and it is referred to as an anxiety disorder (pp. 489–490). Anxiety is normally considered a natural part of life in today’s busy society; however, continuous or excessive anxiety may result in significant distress and a decline in quality of life (Logan et al., 2018). For many clients, I suggest exercising in order to gain some control of their stressors, and with this they may gain more control over their anxiety. Evidence also exists that physical activity may reduce anxiety symptoms for people who are healthy, as well as for people with anxiety disorders (Logan et al., 2018).

Talk therapy can also help individuals who struggle from anxiety that is not considered a disorder. Therapy can help clients reveal the underlying causes of his/her fears; teach clients how to relax; look at circumstances in new, less frightening ways; and help the clients acquire better coping and problem-solving skills (Smith et al., 2018). Therapy provides the tools to overcome anxiety and educates clients on how to use them. Importantly, talk therapy is evidence-based, meaning it has been proven by research that talk therapy helps decrease or resolve anxiety.

Logan, J., Kim, S., Lee, M., & Yeo, S. (2018). Anxiety and physical inactivity: Breaking the
vicious circle. Mental Health Practice, 21(6), 15.

Pinel, J. P. J., & Barnes, S. J. (2018). Biopsychology (10th ed.). Pearson.

Smith, M., Segal, R., & Segal, J. (2018, September). Therapy for Anxiety Disorders. HelpGuide.

If you are struggling from any form of anxiety and are considering receiving therapy, let me know to arrange a free video consult.

