Grief & Bereavement Counselling

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Has a close loved one or friend passed away? Do you feel deep sorrow and a pain you cannot recover from? Do you have reoccurring negative thoughts? Do you struggle to make yourself think of anything else? You may be struggling from symptoms of grief. It takes time to learn how to deal with grief, but you can learn to live with it, accept it, and eventually, to a great extent, move on. Losing a loved one is very hard, but they will continue to live on in your thoughts through your cherished memories. Through therapy you can learn to process your emotions, give yourself time to get through your challenges, and set realistic goals to resolve them. I have lost close loved ones and best friends, so I know how it feels—you are not alone. We can work as a team to help you deal with your toughest emotions.

Grief is a normal reaction to the loss of life or extreme changes in one’s lifestyle during or after a distressing event that results in anxiety, distress, anger, disbelief, denial, a loss of hunger, or sleep (Valliani & Mughal, 2022, pp. 247–248). Some persons may experience multiple losses during this COVID-19 pandemic, and this could include an inability to meet loved ones, be with them, or mourn when an important person passes away. Additionally, compounding factors may include unemployment, financial struggles, and a reduction in one’s support system. These losses can also occur all at once, so this may substantially complicate the grief process and stall a person’s ability to adapt, heal, and recover (pp. 247–248).


Valliani, K., & Mughal, F. B. (2022). Human emotions during COVID-19: A lens through Kubler-Ross grief theory. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 14(2), 247–249.

If you need someone to talk to during your present or reoccurring struggle with grief, please message me below so we can have a free consult session to determine if you are ready to start therapy.
